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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Walk like MADD | New Dishwasher

So things that have happened since the last time we talked were....
We FINALLY fixed our AC. It was only out for two and a half days but when it's over 100 degrees It feels like a lifetime.
I started going back to school!
Yep. That's the reason why I haven't posted a blog in awhile. I have been trying to find out my new routine between working full time, homework, test, gym, bible studies and etc.
But I can tell you now that I have it down and you will be seeing reading a lot of me!
Yesterday morning I woke up around 6:00 to get ready for the 5k Walk like MADD event. MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Drivers) is a nonprofit foundation that helps raise awareness about driving under the influence.
This is something I'm passionate about because in our town we have had 23 fatal drunk driving accidents just this year! This seriously needs to stop. 
I joined Hannah from our bible study group MADD group. Hannah lost her mother in 2004 due to a drunk driver. So it was an honor to walk for her mom. 

I had such a blast. My mom signed up and walked/jogged with me. 
Thank you Mom! I love you!

After the run my lovely hard working husband installed our somewhat new dishwasher that we purchased early this week. We bought it from a friend that just bought a house and was completely remodeling the kitchen. Damon and I had been needing a new dishwasher for several reasons.

1. The fire recall on it. This scared me all the time. I never left it on when we were gone or asleep. 

2. It's an ugly 1980's wood and beige color. Seriously, how could that have been a style back then? Plus all of our other appliances were black. Other than our white fridgerator. As you can see in the picture below.

3. Since it was old it make a lot of noise. We would have to turn up the tv just to hear it when we would run the dishwasher.

4. It might have been broken because of the loud clunking noise it made.

Basically it had to GO!

Poor guy. It's not easy being 6 ft. 8 in. and trying to fit in a small area on the kitchen floor.


It looks much much better and it's quiet! 
 photo image_zpscde24e62.jpg

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