Blogging tips


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Womens Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Your probably thinking it's only October or it's not even Halloween yet. In my opinion when it hits October that is when the Christmas shopping begins. That's why stores stock the shelf with Christmas items out in October at the same time as they stock the shelves with Halloween items. Just thank God I am not one of those people that starts Christmas shopping in June.
Okay I need to quit lying. I am one of those people.
Since Damon and I are newly home owners and newlyweds. Our savings pretty much went to the down payment, closing cost, wedding venue, and a lot of other things that involve NEW HOME or WEDDINGS. We have decided to only give each other Christmas stockings this year. Who am I kidding? That probably wont happen but as of right now that is the plan. Damon keeps telling me I don't know what to put in stockings. Can you help me out a little?
I have always thought that shopping for us ladies is fairly easy especially when it comes to the small stocking gifts, but most men think this is not the case. So men and Damon I hope your reading. Yeah right! Men aren't going to take the time to read a blog. Women we can still hope though. But that is why I made a list for us ladies that you can copy or forward to your man. If you have any suggestions, please add them in the comments section. I'd love to hear your favorite little gifts.

1. Cell Phone Case
2. Bath & Body Works Candles
3. Nail Polish
4. Lip Gloss
5. Perfume
6. Craft Supplies
7. Scratcher Lotto Tickets
8. Chocolate (Duh!!)
9. Magazines
10. Next Years Calendar Planner
11. Wallet
12. Recipe Books
13. Hot Coco Mix
14. Instant Coffee Mix
15. Jewelry Cleaner
16. Gloves
17. Scarf
18. Costume Jewelry
19. Address Labels
20. Hair Accessories (Bobby Pins & Ponytails)
21. Loofah
22. Movie Tickets
23. Toe Socks
24. Lotion
25. Manicure Kit
26. Gift Cards
27. CD's
28. Movies
29. Headbands
30. Small Picture Frames
31. Hand Warmers
32. Ear Buds
33. Mints
34. Gum
35. Kitchen Gadgets
36. Wine Stoppers
37. Spa Items (Bubble Bath, Bath Salts, Etc.)
38. Make Up
39. Make Up Brushes
40. Clutch (Men that's a Small Hand Purse)
41. Sunglasses
42. Compact Mirror
43. Hat
44. Watch
45. Flash Drive
46. Key Chain
47. T-shirt
48. Cosmetic Bag
49. Concert Tickets
50. Emergency Batteries for Phone
51.Water Bottle
52. Coffee Mug
53. Car Wash Tickets
54. Car Air Freshener
55. Travel Size Umbrella
56. Lint Roller
57. Bookmark

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